DESERT TRUFFLES S.L.´s priority is the investigation and experimental development of cultivation techniques, as well as the elaboration, commercialization and exportation of mycological products and, especially, desert truffles.
Terfezias, or desert truffles, as they are little known in Europe, are in high demand in the Persian Gulf countries because of their nutritional, medicinal and gastronomic value.
At DESERT TRUFFLES, S.L. we are working in collaboration with the Plant Biology Department from the Biology Faculty of the University of Murcia, patent ES 2 088 363 B1’s holder. Our extensive cultivation in vitro mycorrhization method of micropropagated Helianthemum almeriense plantlets with Terfezia claveryi is a method pioneered by Dr. María Asunción Morte Gómez, Professor at the University of Murcia and Dr. Mario Honrubia García, Cathedratic Professor at the University of Murcia.
We also have a suitable soil and climate conditions for the cultivation of the desert truffles, and is projected to increase it exponentially each year, over the next 4 years. In a second phase (at present in production and mycorrhization), there will be planting 50.000 m2 more in spring, with projection of 1.000.000 m2.
The harvest of truffles is mainly in spring, between January and May, depending on the harvested species. After the harvest, desert truffles are classified, categorized, and commercialized in three forms: natural, packaged and frozen. Our main clients are in Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.